Christmas in Timber Town

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

On your Marks, Get set, Go!

Once more it is time to start thinking about what your display will look like this year. During the remainder of the time til Christmas, there is a ton of work to be done. Rechecking all the lights in storage and fixing up new items from all the places we buy them from like yard sales, thrift stores and even from people that donate to us will be the place to start for us. This being our 3rd year for a computer-controlled system, we are still pleased with the way it operates. Some additions to the system will be tested and hopefully adding more versatility to the overall look of the display. This year we will be collecting food once again for the local food bank. Hopefully, we will beat last year's total if we can get more sponsorship and spread the word earlier. If you can help out or if you have questions, let us know by emailing us. As always, we want to help our community by letting them see our pretty display and getting the word out that we can help others when they need it the most.