When you have a deadline to meet, its best to have a schedule to keep you on track. For the most part, this is a good idea and a fair percentage of the time it works out. However, life doesn't live on a schedule so its best to have a PLAN B. The arch light elements we had planned didn't seem to be working out, instead we changed that design into a "light fence" that will be 160' in total. Sometimes you roll with the punches. So far, we haven't had a lot of major setbacks (crosses fingers). Its time for a status report on our progress, so here it is...
Software: 100%
Sequences: 50%
Data Cabling: 10%
AC Cabling: 20%
Yard Audio System: 100%
FM Transmitter System: 100%
Grinchs: 50%
SSRs: 1 of 32 completed
Mini-trees: 50%
Mini-MegaTrees: 20%
Star: 0%
Light Fence: 10%
Christmas Sign: 0%
Santas/Snowmen: 75%
String Lighting: 80%