This is one of two Megatrees that will be in our yard this Christmas. The Megatrees are 10' high, 20' circumference and about 7' across at the base. The camera's flash washed a bit of brillance out of the picture but it still looks good. It still needs a bit of work but you can see what the difference is between night and day! 800 white lights and 800 blue lights twisted together gives it an amazing effect. Hopefully, we will equip both Megatrees with a star topper for added effect, perhaps even a strobe. With 16 strands total, there are also 3 controlling options available using 1, 2 or 4 SSRs. This year, the Megatree in the front yard will be using 2 SSRs while the Megatree on the side yard will only use 1. Whatever option we end up using, it will surely make viewers go WOW!