Christmas in Timber Town

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The View

Now that the show is up and running, how about taking a look around?

A walk through the display.

A view from across the street.

A view on the inside.

A view from the Highway.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Finally Underway! Full speed ahead to Christmas!

Due to a publishing error, we started a day early. I'm sure this wasn't noticed by many but we did. All channels are working and there are only a few minor problems mostly caused by the rain. Still not sure when the Home Illumantion Contest is but we will continue to try to find out. A second webcam was obtained and is in the process of installation. Some items are still being made and installed to the system to fill out some dark spots. Next year's upgrades are being discussed and some rearranging will be necessary to incorparate them into the system. Some feedback from our Runescape friends has ranged from "cool" to "Awesome!" as they are from all over the world. Local feedback is encouraging as well.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Calm before (during and after) the Storm

Setting up proceeded well and soon was into the testing phase, when.. a major rainstorm then snow swept through our town. Some things were blown down and the GFIs tripped constantly (as they should) but the display weathered (pun intended) through it all. 2 days before opening night, a practice runthrough was done and some repairs were made, making the system almost perfect for the show. Some curious onlookers were spotted taking in the sights and we don't blame them, it's really cool to look at!
Still some details to take care of and some last minute additions might be made. Hopefully, the crowd will be generous and donate to our worthy causes.

Test 1

Test 2

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Half Way There

Whats done:
Most of the SSRs are hooked up, the majority of extension cords are in place, the weather is cooperating for the most part, music program now set at 1 hour 20 minutes so there will be 3 shows per night instead of 4, almost all of the inflatables are set up, Santa is in his chimmney (twice), donation box post is set up, the star base has to be put on the roof, webcam ready, yard music system hooked up and ready, all software and computers ready, donation box ready, more stuff I haven't mentioned.

Whats not done:
Reindeer ( the whole herd ), 1 SSR needs new Cat5 cable, intercomputer audio cable needs to be made, sign for the signpost needs to be painted, audio for intro needs rerecorded to match current info, star needs to be repaired and set up on roof, some more extension cords need to be added, some rebalancing of loads are needed, some elements needs to be shifted around, doghouses need to be set up and speakers installed, even more stuff i haven't mentioned.

With 9 days remaining until LIGHTS ON, we are very busy trying to get every detail worked out and set up so we will have a good show. So far, no major setbacks have happened (cross your fingers) that we will be able to open the show on time. We are looking forward to opening night just like it was Christmas :-)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Let's Get Started.

Lights go on the day after Thanksgiving, so its time to get started on setting up the 2010 Light Show. Substructures and posts were set and some lighting were put up on the roofline. More gets done everyday and soon it will be time to add the controllers. Some songs are still being added and finishing touches are being put on others. Also some new elements are being placed within the existing footprint of the display while others are still being acquired (just can't pass up those good deals :) Extension cords are being strung out in an effort to know if there are enough (never enough lol) to power all the channels and elements not on the controllers. With about 2 weeks to complete the display, it sure is a busy time.

I Want To Ad One More Thing..

2010 TV Ad posted on Channel 15 at WaveCable in Sheridan, Oregon. Thanks WaveCable (and Donna :)
After all the work building light elements, constructing controllers and SSRs, crimping numerous feet of cable, gathering extension cords, programming songs and making structures for your light display, lots of people should come to see it, right? Build it and they will come. That's just something you see in the movies and perhaps you need to do more to get the word out. With our display, we are using it not only to spread Christmas Joy but to raise money and supplies desperately needed at this time of year. Some say that Christmas is too commercialized and I say why not use that to our advantage? Advertise your display any way you can, that is the answer. Our strategy was to use word-of-mouth (and a bit of bragging), small ads dropped in trick or treat bags, flyers posted on every bulletin board we could find and we even placed an ad on our local cable ad channel which was free because it is a nonprofit cause. Some other ideas to advertise are radio announcements, signs posted in your neighborhood, newspaper ads to mention a few. Let the public know you are there and they will come.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Food Supplies at Food Bank Critically Needed

One of the charities that we are trying to help this year is the West Valley Community Services Food Bank. On the front page of our newspaper is a story of the food bank and how many families it helps every year. Food supplies are at a critical level especially at this time of year. It is important that we all try to help this worthy cause and contribute canned food items as well other nonperishables. Donations of food can be dropped off at the food bank anytime Tuesday through Thursday 9 AM to 4:30 PM at 120 North Bridge St. in Sheridan. Food donations can also be dropped off here at 334 SE Ivy St. in Willamina (place goods on the porch in Donation Box). Every item donated means someone is not going hungry, and it will make you feel good too. Please help any way you can.