After all the work building light elements, constructing controllers and SSRs, crimping numerous feet of cable, gathering extension cords, programming songs and making structures for your light display, lots of people should come to see it, right? Build it and they will come. That's just something you see in the movies and perhaps you need to do more to get the word out. With our display, we are using it not only to spread Christmas Joy but to raise money and supplies desperately needed at this time of year. Some say that Christmas is too commercialized and I say why not use that to our advantage? Advertise your display any way you can, that is the answer. Our strategy was to use word-of-mouth (and a bit of bragging), small ads dropped in trick or treat bags, flyers posted on every bulletin board we could find and we even placed an ad on our local cable ad channel which was free because it is a nonprofit cause. Some other ideas to advertise are radio announcements, signs posted in your neighborhood, newspaper ads to mention a few. Let the public know you are there and they will come.