All of the substructures have been put up and most of the lights are in their places. The inflatables are inflated and have stopped blowing their fuses. A few more icicles need to be put on the side of the house. Next will be the major AC lines and the data communication system with the audio system to be installed after that. Some
additional programming will be needed to
accommodate the new
SSRs out in the yard but it will be a matter of copy and paste for that. Best news is that we have entered the Willamina Home
Illumination Contest! First place is $50, second place is $35 and third place is $15. We are thrifty shoppers so any prizes we get will be spent on as much food as we can to be donated to the
Food bank. I think we will finish in the top 3 at least (cross your fingers!). Also, there are still a few more items to be built or rebuilt so those things will have to be squeezed in there somewhere. All in all, we are on track to finish and test before LIGHTS ON!