Halloween is over and Thanksgiving is soon to come. Food is a big part of the holidays and most of us will be setting down with friends and family to partake in the wintertime feasts. Some people aren't so lucky and will have to go to local foodbanks just to get food for regular meals, much less holiday feasts. We at TimberTownChristmas are committed to raising food for the foodbanks in our area. We tried to include the collecting of food in our Halloween show but nobody gave any. Actually, this is not true. A man showed up on our porch and was asking for food. Turned out, he was also collecting food for the same foodbank we collect for. What a coincidence! When he heard we had not collected anything, he gave us some of his! No loss there, it will end up in the same place. Its a joke, right? Nope. Food donations are needed at all times of the year just so some families can have enough for basic nutrition. It doesn't take much from everybody if they just give a can or two each. Please give to your local foodbank when you can. It will make you feel great! Meanwhile.....
Its time to finalize the Christmas Show layout and do routine checking of the light elements. Hopefully, some of the new elements will be put out to see if they will blend in with the show. Some new icicles will adorn the roofline and our herd of reindeer has grown to a total of 14. As the show increases in size, the more popular it becomes and there are a lot of people that can't wait to see it.We will have to be on our top game to wow the crowd. Good luck to us and happy holidays to you.