The subprocessor boards (Grinchs) were ordered from a man in Austrailia. Wjohn at doityourselfchristmas.com has boards for sale and also the SSR boards. 2 Grinchs and 32 SSR boards cost us 100 dollars including shipping. Its not a bad price considering you don't have to hand etch 34 circuit boards. Boards arrived safe and were of very good quality manufacture. To clarify, the Grinch does not dim or fade the lights although another type of board can be added later to do that job. We chose the Grinch because of cost vs light effects. The parts to populate the boards were ordered from USA companies and assembled here at our home. Over several nights, they were put together and checked, rechecked and checked again. Actual testing will be done when some of the light elements are done and good weather permits. Having a limited budget for this hobby means that not everything can be done in a timely manner. Use what you got to do what you can until the next bit arrives. The SSRs can be made in an assembly-line type of fashion because they are the same. Take it step by step to elimanate mistakes.