Thursday, April 29, 2010
Power Distribution
On a separate subsystem controlled by SSRs are the AC power lines. Trunk lines running out from the panel box terminate in GFI (ground fault interrupter) boxes to eliminate shock hazards and breaker tripping in the event of the lines shorting due to water penetration or line cuts. From the GFI boxes and heading out to the SSRs are extension cords made up from SPT2 wire. Each amount of current demanded from the string of lights is less than the rated load of the cord. On our system, we have 2 sets of trunk lines. One each coming from a separate panel box. Each GFI box has 2 or more GFI receptacle mounted in the box. A lot of cords running all over the yard leads to hazardeous conditions especially from snow and rain, so be sure to cover up any connections between cords with plastic wrap and securely tape closed. Keep connections off the ground if possible. Posting some warning signs like High Voltage ones will keep most curious onlookers off the grass.