The entire system is actually a collection of subsystems each working together to create the blinky flashy effect associated with a good display. First, there is the computer to control everything and saying when to blink (or not to). The computer we use is just a standard Compaq computer off-the-shelf type. A specially made cable from the computer to the subprocessor boards sends signals from Vixen. The twin subprocessor boards are called Grinchs (the designer's favorite Christmas character and ours too)and are capable of controlling 64 channels of lights each for a total of 128 channels! (I want more channels) Each of the channel signals are routed outside to another board called a SSR (solid state relay) in groups of 4 channels. Each SSR then splits up the group of 4 channel signals individually and send the separate signal to its own channel to control a Triac circuit. A Triac circuit is an electronically controlled switch. Each string of lights on a particular circuit will all go on or off at the same time according to the signal sent to it from the beginning. Sort of the roots of a tree telling the leaves what to do kind of thing.