Sunday, December 26, 2010
Our Vixen Sequences
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Finally Underway! Full speed ahead to Christmas!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Calm before (during and after) the Storm
Test 1
Test 2
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Half Way There
Most of the SSRs are hooked up, the majority of extension cords are in place, the weather is cooperating for the most part, music program now set at 1 hour 20 minutes so there will be 3 shows per night instead of 4, almost all of the inflatables are set up, Santa is in his chimmney (twice), donation box post is set up, the star base has to be put on the roof, webcam ready, yard music system hooked up and ready, all software and computers ready, donation box ready, more stuff I haven't mentioned.
Whats not done:
Reindeer ( the whole herd ), 1 SSR needs new Cat5 cable, intercomputer audio cable needs to be made, sign for the signpost needs to be painted, audio for intro needs rerecorded to match current info, star needs to be repaired and set up on roof, some more extension cords need to be added, some rebalancing of loads are needed, some elements needs to be shifted around, doghouses need to be set up and speakers installed, even more stuff i haven't mentioned.
With 9 days remaining until LIGHTS ON, we are very busy trying to get every detail worked out and set up so we will have a good show. So far, no major setbacks have happened (cross your fingers) that we will be able to open the show on time. We are looking forward to opening night just like it was Christmas :-)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Let's Get Started.
I Want To Ad One More Thing..
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Food Supplies at Food Bank Critically Needed
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Live Webcam to see the Lights
I Pink Not....
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Halloween 2010
Using some leftovers from a yard sale purchase, we created a small Halloween display.
Adams' Family
Werewolves Of London
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Power up!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Deer Santa...
Included in the set are 8 reindeer with one of them having a red nose. Not wanting to have 7 deer and a Rudolph, we will paint its nose black to match the others. We will give all the pieces a good coat of clear finish to weatherproof them. Another item of the group is a Christmas tree and some lights will be added to "spruce" it up. In addition, some fence posts will be put into the ground and the cutouts will be ziptied to them to prevent Santa and his team from wandering off. All in all, we simply love this outfit and we are sure the viewing public will enjoy it too. Thank you Cathy for giving it to us.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Being put on notice

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Hardware made easy (sort of)
Getting into the Spirit in Willamina Oregon
Local Artist Helps Out
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sign of the Times
Sunday, September 5, 2010
VIXEN in the off-season
Monster Mash
Time between Christmas shows is a long time to be sure, but what can you do during that time? How about giving VIXEN, the Grinches and the SSRs another job for other holidays? Having some spare time and Halloween coming up, we decided to make a small display using some leftovers from a yard sale purchase. Sometimes you don't know whats in the bottom of the box. Buying a set of 8 plastic pumpkin candy pails and putting a string of white lights in each of them, a unique set of Halloween lights were made. Adding a strobe, some strings, bone lights and such will round out the display when it is put up. Shown above are the pumpkin lights that were made and they will be zip-tied to the rail along with other light elements.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Christmas Future
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Reuse, Replace, Recycle and Restore
After about an hour of undoing the proverbial Gordian Knot, shown is what was actually on Olive and yes, those are icicle lights. The green string can be reused elsewhere after some new bulbs are added to it. However, the other 3 white strings will not be reused on Olive because of wire breaks that had been taped up. We might be able to salvage some of them to make other Lighted Elements in the future.
Olive after surgery.
When reusing strings of lights, remember that "SAFETY" is always more important than anything. Wire breaks, broken bulbs, exposed wire, bad plug prongs, wrong, burnt or missing fuses, burnt or melted bulb housings are just some of the things that can go wrong with a light string. Make sure that the strings you are using are in good working order before you install them. Properly maintained lights will insure that shock hazards will be elimanated and not pose a risk to yourself, your family, your home or the viewing public. When in doubt, just pull all the bulbs out and throw away the string.
When in Doubt, Throw it out!!!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Away... in the Manger
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
SSR Anatomy 101
D-Fence! (Part 2)
The Light Fence after final assembly.
Christmas Canon Rock
We thought we were done with testing but we never finished the Light Fence project. So after a few hours of finishing the lights and setting up, a test was in order. This is the result of that test. Sorry about the audio as we didn't put the speakers close enough to hear it clearly. The Light Fences were created to mark the border of the yard so nobody will park along the yard or drive into it. Earlier this year, someone did actually drive into our yard off the hill and ran over one of our cherry trees. The tree is ok with only some scarring of the trunk on one side because its still a young tree and bent over when they ran on top of it. The Fences will be suspended about 2 feet off the ground as not to be in the view of the rest of the show. Because of a SSR shortage, there will only be half of total amount of Light Fence put up which will total 80 feet this year and 160 feet next year.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
And now a word from our sponsors...
Actually, its our flyer and audio from the Christmas Light Show Intro combined. Or if you prefer, an InfoIntro.
Christmas Past
Whats The Frequency?
Add your zipcode and it will predict what signal strengths and locations for your area. I found its not 100% correct but will give you a pretty good idea where to look on your radio. By the way, the place where we got the transmitter is at the Canakit company.
We made 2 signs from plywood and painted them red and white to let viewers know where to tune into so they could hear the music. These will be posted on the front and side of the house.
On The Fence
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The Craziness Continues....
Tis The Season / Zat you? Santa Clause
After a delicious summer BBQ, we decided to treat our guests to a preview of the Christmas lite show. (Actually, its just another test to check load limits of the SSR's, but don't tell them that ok.) Also it'll be the last test out in the yard until we setup for the show about a week before Thanksgiving. Please note that the light elements are not in their correct places and not all channels are represented but it does give you a pretty good indication of what will be there for Christmas. The results of the test proved that the SSR's could handle the load for at least an hour (the length of time for one Showing) and none of the SSR's showed signs of overheating. YEAH!!! Still a lot more work to be done and now we're sure it'll be completed on schedule.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The Sound Of Music
2010 Song List
00 Intro
01 Get Ready
02 Jingle Bells Techno
03 Winter Wonderland
04 Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
05 Hallelujah
06 Tis The Season
07 Sled Zeppelin
08 Intro
09 Zat You Santa Claus
10 Santa Claus Is Back In Town
11 Wonderful Christmas Time
12 Linus And Lucy
13 White Christmas
14 Run Run Rudolph
15 Intro
16 Wizards In Winter
17 MusicBox
18 Christmas Canon Rock
19 Santa Clause Is Coming To Town
20 Holly Jolly Christmas
21 Decorations
22 Amazing Grace Techno
23 Silent Night
24 I Want An Alien For Christmas
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Getting Organized
Monday, August 2, 2010
Christmas Broadcasting System
I Want An Alien For Christmas by Fountains of Wayne
We had to make a number of cables for the SSRs to communicate with the Grinches. Even with a quality Ethernet cable crimper, we still had to test the cables so we set up the Minitrees in the front yard. Also we needed a test of the scheduler of the Vixen program so there wouldn't be any problems later. Combining the two tests, we hooked up the data cables, AC power cords and fired up the Grinches. It took a lot of patience to wait til it got dark and we got a number of weird looks from passersby but at least our neighbors were used to the crazy people at the end of the block (that being us) :) The end result was very cool and we are eager to set the rest of it up but its still August :( Its all good as we still have a lot of work to do on the rest of the system. Blink on my friends! A shout out goes to my peeps at the Adult Lounge on Runescape!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch.
Monday, July 26, 2010
The Meaning Of Christmas

Thats me in center behind my brother (right) , sister (far right) and my cousin (left).
There I am on the left side this time.
That me on Santa's lap with my sister and brother again.
To me, Christmas is more than a holiday or going to church. Its a feeling of family, friends and reaching out to help those who need it. Christmas happens when we need it the most and for the right reasons. Christmas makes us feel special and that in turn is given to others making them special. Its that warm fuzzy feeling everyone needs.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Go Fourth!
Monday, July 12, 2010
And now... The Star Of Our Show!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Megatree Time
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Seen but heard
All Aboard!
As I mentioned before, good deals are to be had on I was looking for Christmas items and I found this train. It was actually located about a 4 hour drive from our home but we wanted to go for a drive anyways, lol. Brand new, it costs about $300 but we got it for $10! After fixing some lights and straightening a few things, its good as new! My wife says it's her train, rofl. We will mount the train on 2 "sleds" for easier handling and will place it almost where it is in the picture in front of the house. In other news, Grinch 1 was powered up for the first time and had limited success in powering a SSR. Not sure what the problem is exactly but I think it's the primary data cable, possibly unused wires shorting together is my first guess before ripping it back apart. Nobody said it was going to be easy. HeHe. The first of the Light Fences were put together and it looks great. In a upcoming test, our 2 mega trees will be further assembled and lit up. That should be really Cool looking!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Sequencing Songs

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Primary Data Cable
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Schedules and Updates
Friday, April 30, 2010
Build it yourself and keep it simple.

A simple light element you can build is a Mini-tree. Its a 3 foot tall cone shape made of fencing wire with 1 or more sets of lights on it. The ones we are building have 2 colors or is it 3? on them. One set is white and the other is red for 4 of them and green for the other 4. The total of 8 Mini-trees will occupy 16 channels on our system. This amount of channels will give us total flexibility for chases, blinking and color flashes. 2 Mini-trees will share a SSR using 4 SSRs for the group. Using Vixen to control them, some songs have the trees acting like choirboys, blinking to wording or rythms.
The Mini-Mega-tree
Our 4 Mini-Mega-trees are a bit more complicated using 8 channels and 2 SSRs each. Each tree has 4 "superstrings" on it and is about 6 foot high. A superstring is 2 or more strings of lights braided or twisted together to form a larger string with multiple channels. Our superstrings are 1 string of white braided with 1 string of blue. Each superstring is strung up and down from the top of the tree to the ring below at an angle 6 times in a quarter circle. Turning each channels on and off will give the illusion of a white tree a blue tree or a combination. Spinning, chasing and flashing effects are possible in many configurations.
The Mega-tree
In a future expansion of our system, we will make a Mega-tree. It will be about 10 to 20 feet high depending on what lights we can get. The construction of the tree is more complicated than any of the other trees. A footing must be secured at the base such as a pipe in concrete or a large base stand anchored with stakes deep into the ground to prevent the wind from blowing it over. A "topper" is placed on the top of the pole in the center of the base. The topper will have a star of some type on it, probaly a spinning set of star shaped set of lights. The topper also have anchors to hold the top end of the lights leading down to the ring at the base. At the ring near the base, the plugs for the strings will attach to the SSRs. The amount of SSRs will depend on how many channels we will assign it. We will probally have a tree with 24 or 36 channels. A multiple of 4 channels is preferred because of SSRs are configured in sets of 4 and also timing of music is usually a 4/4 beat.
Hunters and Gatherers
Audio Components
The Hardware

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Light Elements